TITRE : No Such Things
AUTEUR : TidalWave
FEEDBACK : TidalWave@wanadoo.fr
SPOILERS : Cette histoire se déroule après autour de "Hell's bells" pour BTVS et après "Sleep tight" pour Angel.
DISCLAIMER : Faith, Buffy et tous les autres personnages appartiennent à Joss Whedon, WB, etc.
NOTE : C'est la première fois que j'essaye de dépeindre Faith comme cela, et d'écrire une telle fin, alors soyez indulgents s'il-vous-plaît...
Pensées en italique.
RESUME : Une journée difficile s'annonce pour le Scooby Gang et pour le L.A gang... Rien ne va plus... Quelqu'un tire les ficelles... quelqu'un qui s'amuse beaucoup... maintenant...

PARTS 1-3   PARTS 4-6   PARTS 7-8


"My God, poor Angel, that must be horrible for him." Willow sadly said.

"Indeed it must be." Dawn added in a less dramatic voice.

Buffy was staring at the phone she just hung up.

"What did err, what's the name again?" Anya asked.

Buffy looked at her, "Fred. I think I caught that name amongst panicky babblings."

"Ok sorry everyone but I still don't get the first news? Angel; daddy? Does anybody else get the impossible vibe of that? I mean vampires can't have babies, luckily, so how's it possible?"

"Well, maybe him and Darla really did try harder." Anya said with a smile.

"Can we please not talk about that?" Buffy said, hurt by the thought of Angel and Darla together.

"The main thing is that Angel had the one thing he could never dream of having, and now it's been taken away from him, and what's more by, somehow, his best friend. I think I should go, Fred told me not to, that she' called Cordelia and she was coming back. I know they're close but... maybe I should get there?"

Buffy seemed really confused about what to do.

"Maybe, or maybe he just needs time alone I think."

Buffy looked at Willow who gave her a comforting smile so she took a deep breath, "I'll call back tomorrow, Cordy'll be there, she'll tell me more."

"Ok so... not that I want to diminish the importance of this news, but maybe if we're done for today with it we-"


"What?! We have a wedding to prepare mister!! Did you forget?!" Anya yelled then headed out of the Summer's house.

"How could I?" he mumbled then added, "Well Buffy, keep me aware ok? Have to go, see you later girls."

He left in his turn.

"Well Dawn, I think you have school in about... you're late!"

"That's ok Buffy, you know I can stay here with you, I know it's hard for y-"

She did not finish her sentence as Buffy was already at the door gesturing her to go,

"No lame excuses, go! And better run!"

Dawn did as told. Buffy came back into the living room and slimped into the sofa, Willow joined her,

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know, it'll be alright I think."

Willow looked at her intensely, with her resolved face on.

Buffy smiled, "Ok ok it's not alright and I feel guilty 'cause... it's hard, no, worse! It must be horrible and all I can think about is the two of them making, doing... that. I didn't know, I don't know what happened last year but it seems to have been... This Fred girl was talking about Cordelia's return like, as if it was the only thing that could help him, do him good and I felt jealous, not a question of feelings but because I used to be that one and only person who could make a change in his life, who could make him... Now I just don't know anything about him, about his life... I realise that now... that's what upsets me the most... and I feel guilty about that."

"Don't. I think it's only human, what you're feeling. I understand, can't tell you it's wrong."

"Anyway, let's forget about that for a little while. Are you planning on seeing Tara today? How is it going so far?"

"Well not too bad, we talked the other day out of a classroom and decided we should have coffee. I'm afraid to call her, but I will, I think there's still a chance."

"Go ahead, you guys are meant to be together."

"I think I won't call her today, it's only early in the morning and we've had quite a bad news already. Must not be a good day"

"Yeah I got that feeling too, wonder what the rest of the day has in store for us."

"Oh God that was so good!" said a blonde woman.

"I've got more in store for you baby." The young guy lying beside her proudly said.

"Wasn't talking to you dumbass. You'll never match up with her." the blonde girl replied, talking about a third person, a woman, who was still under the cover, moving from her body to the man's one. She lifted the covers as she straddled the guy who purred at the feeling. He put his hands on her hips to accompany the movements.

"So Steven? How's the D-plan going on?" She asked.

"Very well... oh yes... very, very well." he moaned. She stopped moving and he looked pissed then frustrated.

"Already in contact, it's working fine I swear!"

"Good boy." she said then started again to ride him, faster this time. The blonde woman came behind her and kissed her neck, putting her hands around her, grabbing her breasts.

"And what about you Karen? X-plan going on well too?"

"Yes, I paved the way already. Bartender's a great friend of mine. Just tell me when."

The blonde woman moved to the other woman's front side and sucked on her breasts.

"Good work, really good work. Now it's time to heat up a little, let's bring on the semi-final part of the big plan."

"Oh yes!" the guy exclaimed as he came.

She stayed on him as Karen lowered her head to suck on her soft spot. After coming in her turn the woman immediately jumped off of bed.

Karen asked her, "You won't tell us about the plan now? And when we're at it, when will we know your name?"

"Don't need to, not your business, focus on your parts that's all you have to do."

"And what about you?"

"Well I'm leaving for now, won't be long though, and I won't come back alone. I'm on my way to bring the final part of the big plan. That's gonna be some fun." she said, with an acerbic smile.


"So what'd you talk for so long the other day? This Jesse freak wouldn't stop talking to me, as if he had a chance anyway, but I couldn't hear what he was telling you." Janice looked all excited as she and Dawn were walking down the school's corridor.

"He's nice, he really cares about me, you know. At last someone who wasn't talking to me like to a four year old girl. That's because he's a real man, you know" Dawn proudly said.

"Yes about that how old is he, at least 20, isn't he?"


"You'd better not tell your sister I bet!"

"Not her business, anyway if you knew how old was her boyfriend when she was my age... she has nothing to say. I'm a woman now. I can date whoever I want."

"Date? So you're gonna see him again? I mean, alone?"

Dawn blushed, "He's coming for lunch to eat here with me, and..."

She paused.

"What? And what? Oh come on Dawn you can tell me."

"He said he'll try to be there after school this evening, he wants to show me cool places he likes."


"Yes. Imagine Kristie's face when he's gonna pull over the building with his brand new porsche and pick me up. I can't wait!" Dawn was all excited and they both entered their class room.

"Don't you think we should err, I don't know, maybe-"

"What? Go and see him?" Gunn said cutting Fred's hesitations then he started again,

"You know he'll still be in front of Connor's craddle like he was two hours ago, like he was last night, like yesterday evening, like yesterday ALL DAY."

Fred looked very sad. Gunn came closer and caressed her cheek,

"Believe me baby, only time, there's nothing we can possibly do now for him."

"You maybe." Said a voice from behind.

"Cordelia!" Fred exclaimed and went to hug her.

"Hello!" Gro, walking behind her, said as he carried their luggages with him.

"Hi guys, sorry for that, we came directly from the airport, I just couldn't... well in his room right? See you later." Cordy headed to towards the stairs under Gro's perplexed gaze.

"Hope she'll have more chance, maybe with her he'll talk."

Gunn sighed unconvinced.

"Angel?" Cordelia called while slowly entering Connor's room.

"Angel?" she asked again a little louder as she did not see him in front of the craddle and nowhere around. She looked a bit worried, she went to the bathroom and came back even more worried, she left the room and headed to Angel's own.

"Angel? Angel?!"

"Where are you?"

**Where are you?**

"So how was your class today?"

"Fine." Tara simply replied then smiled.

"What makes you smile?" Willow asked not sure of how to react.

"No, nothing." Tara's reply was still very soft.

"Whatever does is a good thing cause smiles really looks good on you." Willow told her, blushing a little.

"It's you, simply you, as always."

They both blushed a little and smiled at each other but Tara then took her serious look on again,

"So how are you doing? I mean in the house, you and the girls?"

"Everything's fine, Buffy's working a bit too hard but well, she and Dawn have been hanging out together several times, I think it's going ok, better anyway."

"And what about you?" Tara asked a bit fearful.

"Fine, fine, very fine, I mean no, not that much I -I but I... no magic, haven't been doing any since you... and and it's getting easier every day."

"Good." Tara just said. Her happiness was huge at this but she didn't want to show it. Did not want to ruin anything or take any steps Willow already made for granted.

"So do you think maybe, maybe... I heard there's a new movie with Susan Sarandon out, you like her, I mean maybe we could go one evening this week, or maybe later." Willow asked hopeful.

"It would be possible I guess... err, maybe after the wedding it'll be better, hope you understand."

"Yes yes I totally do, and anyway the wedding's in less than a week so, yes, I understand." she said stopping abruptly before stammering any more words.

"About that, how's it going? How are the bride and groom!?"

"Terrible. Each time I see them they're arguing. I wonder if this wedding's ever gonna happen;"

"That's just pre-wed stress, that's all."

"Yes I suppose... oh God have you seen the dress for the wedding, for us I mean?"

"Oh-yes-I-did." Tara replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because of that the wedding should be cancelled!"

They both smiled then laughed.


"Xander! Your girl on the phone!"

"Ok comin'!"

"Thanks Phil. Hi hon-what? No, yes, I know I'm a bit late. It's only 4, the guys needed help, stop yelling, the table set can wait for an hour, there's this big framework and there was a problem, guys needed... No! I don't like my crew more than you Anya, stop saying stupid things you know it's not -no I didn't say you were stupid. No Anya! Anya?! Anya?"

He hung up.

"Problem Harris?" One of his laughing co-workers asked.

"She hung up on you?" another one asked, mocking too. Xander looked sheepishly, "Yeah, she said I should marry my framework and hung up."

They all laughed very loudly.

"Not funny at all."

"Oh come on Harris, you'll have to bear with her moods for the rest of your life, come take a beer with us, day's over, enjoy…while you can."

"You know what? You're right." and he joined them.

**One day off and what do I do? Lay on my bed and listen to depressing music**

Buffy was lying on her bed, hands behind her head and staring at her ceiling.

**I want to go to Spike. No! No I don't. I'm just bored that's all. I should have gone see Angel. Doesn't need me anyway**

"Dammit!" Buffy said as the phone rang. She hurried downstairs.

"Buffy on the phone. Who? Yes Gunn yes I know you. What? Oh no, that's not, Oh my God. And- yes, not in the hotel, both, you're sure? They could be- you don't think? Yes I'll wait for your call, or theirs. Yes thanks and sorry about the loss, I know you were good friends."

She hung up and looked very sad and worried. Willow entered the house at that moment, "I love life" then, looking at Buffy, her happy smile vanished, "Buffy? What happened?"

"Charles Gunn just called. Wesley's dead."

"Oh no! I thought, oh Buffy." she stopped, they both hugged each other then the redhead added,

"I thought it was serious but that he was out of danger."

"Yes, he was but… they're not sure it was an accident, they don't really know for the moment. Seems that he choked. Could be his throat sure but…"

"You think it could be Angel? He already tried, and he threatened him, no no, that can't be him. What did he say?"

"Well that's the problem? He's nowhere to be found, him and Cordelia as well."


"Gunn said not to worry, since they're together he couldn't have been to the hospital, he thinks she probably convinced him to go out somewhere to change his mood."

"And you don't believe that? You seriously think Angel could kill Wesley like that?"

"No no of course no I don- I don't know, I don't know Will. I don't know him anymore." Buffy lowered her head, "Maybe I should go there, maybe I should bring Spike with me in case of?"

"What for? That could only make things worse, Buffy."

"Yes probably. I don't know, I feel like something's wrong, very wrong, I don't know."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No we don't move for the moment but as soon as Angel comes back we'll have to talk, I mean when he'll show up again there, for now we wait for them to call us again but if there is a problem, I may have to leave tonight?"

"Don't worry about Dawn, I'm here."

"Thanks Will."

And they both sat on the couch, eyes riveted on the phone.

"Have you ever been told how sparkling your eyes are? Sure you have, I'm stupid." Steven said.

"No no you're not, no-no one's ever told me that."

"You must be kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm not."

"Well let me tell you people are blind, and let me be the first to tell you that everything about you is sparkling. You're the most beautiful woman in the world."

**Woman! he said woman!**

Dawn smiled at him.

He moved closer, "You sure you're not cold?"

**He's so nice to me**

"I'm alright, maybe a little."

He took his jacket off and put it on her shoulders.

"There, it'll be better."

They were both in his car, he was parked on a little hill to look at the view, well, as they were supposed to do.

"I never thought I'd find a woman like you."


She shivered.

"You're cold?"

"No no it's nothing, I was just thinking."

He raised his hands to her face and caressed her cheek, he then moved closer and kissed her.

**Oh God he kisses so well... no I can't... remember Dawn, remember**

"Something's wrong? I'm sorry Dawn, didn't mean to push you, I can wait you know, don't wanna lose you now that I found you. If you're not ready, no problem, we'll just hang out, don't worry about that, you know."

"You're so nice."

"I love you, Dawn."

**Oh my!**

She moved closer and they kissed.

Suite PARTS 4-6