TITLE : Dragons, Dolphins and Butterflies suite de Lives Are Like Cigarettes
AUTHOR : Vincent Fretin
FEEDBACK : vincef2001@yahoo.fr
DISCLAIMER : All characters belong to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc.

PARTS 1-4   PARTS 5-8   PARTS 9-13


Faith sighed. The annoying demon was still in front of her with a resolve face that could make Willow jealous. She had pushed him away, gently, several times, hoping that he would finally vanish from her sight, absorbed by his ugly brown robe but he was still there and it was getting on her nerves. Why did he not hide like his peers? She saw his lips move and heard him say something in his irritating voice that reminded her of a mix between a frog and a hyena.

"Slayer! I warn you!"

"Yeah, I know! You've said it already. Must work your speeches, boy, they're rather repetitive. So, unless you've a brilliant comment, why don't you shut your fucking mouth up?"

Pushing him away for the tenth time, Faith continued her way in the library, knowing that the others were checking the other alleys. She was surrounded by books dedicated to Demonology. No book of this section would help her to find Buffy but other sections could. So, she passed this section and spotted a window where three precious books were carefully laying. That was what she had been looking for here. These three books were Latin translations of old Etruscan frescos and were full of Etruscan lore and magic. According to her sources, one of the chapters was entirely dedicated to eternal winds. As Buffy was prisoner in one of those, the more they knew about them...


It was Dawn's voice. Hearing the young girl, Faith turned towards Buffy's sister and saw her approaching.

"Yep, Double M?"

"We've found them all. Andrea and Spike are gathering them in the box (then, noticing the window, she added). Are they..."

"Yes, I'll take them and we get the hell out of this place. It gives me the wiggles...and it stinks like..."

Faith looked at the window again. The ugly demon was in front of the books. She had almost forgotten about him, too focused on her mission to even care about him. If the demon had been dangerous, she would have been more careful but it was well-known that this kind of demon hated violence as much as they loved knowledge. She hold his gaze and said:

"Are you fucking deaf? I said get out of my way!"

"No, I can't let you take these books. They are unique. Why are you doing this, slayer? The Keepers of Knowledge aren't evil. We have close bonds with the PTB. You shouldn't steal these books from us. How..."

While the demon was telling her this, Faith spotted another book, laying on a desk on her left. Probably a new acquisition. It was a huge scroll simply called CURSES. Faith thought that it could be helpful for them, should the curse the slayers had received from Nefer-tem manifest itself. She grabbed it, then turned her attention to the demon and replied:

"How? You wanna know how? Simple, Frogna. See, that book? Know, listen. Want, take... Dawn (Faith threw the scroll to Dawn who caught it in her arms) ... Have! Clear enough for you? Dawn, go back and put this book in the box too."

Dawn nodded silently then moved away in the alleys. The demon was horrified. Still, he couldn't let the slayer do that.

"What you're doing... it's... it's... bad..."

Faith smirked. This remark was so lame. If this guy thought he was gonna convinced her with that kind of crap...

"Don't care, Frogna! I asked you politely first and you refused to help us. So, we had to go for plan B. Now, move."

"I won't! And if you kill me, the PTB won't forgive you for such a blaspheme, slayer."

Faith had to admit that the guy had courage. She leaned down, stopped a few inches from the demon's face, just close enough for him to feel her breath then, locking her eyes on his, she said:

"You don't get out often, do you? Newsflash, Boy. I don't give a shit about the PTB, I don't owe them a damn thing but THEY owe me much. So, if they want to, they can try to catch me, I'll stake them... but I'm not bad, buddy! I keep hunting vampires and demons in Sunnydale, trying to find HER when they're not lurking around and I will find her. So, be relieved. I won't kill you!"

The demon's face showed evident signs of relief but it still didn't want to move. It wondered what could be the person Faith was talking about. Perhaps, she was right and he should have listened to the external world news but it wasn't the issue now. The slayer couldn't have the books.

He opened his mouth to reply to Faith's sentence but received her fist on his face before he could form any vowel. The punch made him fly across the alley to hit the opposite wall. Stunned, the demon stared at the dark slayer, taken aback by the hit.

"Said, I won't kill you, Boy... didn't say I won't hurt you if you're on my way. Now, stay there. We've almost finished."

Faith slammed the window, took the books out, and then, went away to join the rest of her team, hoping that these books would help them to find her girlfriend.

Willow couldn't stop looking at the three women who were sleeping now. It was as if her eyes were glued on them, on their sweat and faces that were showing painful expressions. Her eyes were teary, as it was almost always the case when she was in charge of them. Every time she was in this room, the room that was formerly the bedroom of Joyce Summers, she wondered why life was so unfair, why the dark forces couldn't let them breathe a little, couldn't let them enjoy their existence for a short while.

Two weeks, it had only been two weeks since Lucius had been dusted. After that, they had thought that things would be easier as time wasn't an issue anymore, they had dealt with the Ripper's threat. They had thus begun to gather information concerning the eternal winds and the spell Lucius had used to trap the souls of his victims. Three days later, hell fell on them once more.

Elisabeth had been the first one to complain, quickly followed by Mary Jane. At first, they had believed that it was just a cold, flu or something like that but soon, too soon, the two women had been suffering from high fever and muscular problems. Soon, too soon, they had had to accept the truth: their bodies were rejecting the souls already, the physical degradation had just begun. Catherine, the woman whose soul was in Buffy's body had help them taking care of her friends but, by the end of the first week, she had joined them in bed, suffering from the same symptoms. Her slayer strength had slowed down the disease but wasn't strong enough to win this battle. And now, the three Victorian girls who were lost in a time, a place and bodies that weren't theirs, were sleeping most part of the day, the fever was too high to allow them to stay conscious longer than a few minutes.

She had spoken about it with Naomi, the watcher who had helped them with The Ripper. According to her, as the link between The Ripper and his victims had been severed, the physical degradation had been accelerated... and, once again, time had become an issue. They had to find a solution to get Buffy back before... she couldn't even think about it, didn't want to as she didn't want to think about what Naomi had told them a few days before. No, as Faith said, only positive thinking would help us to bring her back and, even if they hadn't found anything yet, they would, soon.

Faith... the dark slayer had amazed her during the last weeks. She had first thought that she would collapse when the physical degradation began. On the contrary, Faith's motivation had grown after that. She was currently holding the gang on her own shoulder. She yelled at them when she felt despair in them, comforted them when it was needed and made them work in order to make them feel useful. Everyday, she assumed her slaying duties and managed to bring new books or sources about the eternal winds, the souls, etc... and the scoobies quickly read them, searching for the detail that would help them find Buffy.

Buffy... where could she be?

Buffy was blown of by the wind but she didn't feel in danger anymore. The wind had cool down, its force wasn't the one of the storms that had raged for hours before this moment. She finally managed to regain control and moved to the place that she called here temporary home...

There was a whole area inside the eternal wind. Buffy was sure that externally, the wind could only be felt, not really seen as the winds usually were but, inside, it was as if a whole city could be built. There was no real landscape only a bare white area but, it was huge... and annoying, no colours other than white. How could someone even think about spending a century in such a place?

She suddenly felt the presence of her allies, the ones who were helping her in this fight... in this war. The other victims of Lucius: Esther and Alyson. She was proud of them. Even if she could sense that they were exhausted, they never complained and fought with a courage that she could only admire.

Two weeks before, when The Ripper had been back, after his defeat against her dear Faith (she took a moment to cherish the thought of her lover), they hadn't let him the time to organise himself. They had made their move first and were pushing him away. Outside the protection of the wind, Lucius would be a normal soul and would derive to hell where he deserved to be. The funny thing about the wind is that it had no power on its inside. Its only goal is to capture the souls but he had no control on them and couldn't control them if it wanted to. So, they had been very confident the first day. Lucius had a strong will but even him couldn't do anything against three resolved souls. Then, it happened and the war really began at that moment.

While Lucius was retreating and would have probably been defeated quickly, the souls of the two girls whose bodies had been slaughtered by Lucius joined him, protected him and gave him their strengths. Buffy had tried to convince them that it was insane, they hadn't listened. According to them, killing The Outcast would trap them here forever while serving him would free them a century later. The wind's brainwashing had worked on them.

Now, Buffy and her new friends were controlling 2/3 of the territory, Lucius had 1/3. They fought every day, using the winds they had learned to control as weapon but nothing changed. And Lucius wasn't a fool, he needed them to survive, to protect and feed him during the next century. So, instead of striking with all his forces, he used guerrilla tactics to weaken them. He also knew that their real bodies were degrading themselves. Time was on his side and they all knew that. Esther and Alyson knew that too but hadn't given any sign of despair or betrayal. As long as their bodies were alive, hope would still be with them. She had promises them that they would go back to the world of the living and she intended to keep her word. Her Faith would find a solution, she was sure of it.

When Willow came back downstairs, she could hear two people yelling at each other. She sighed. Faith and Naomi were quarrelling again. It wasn't the first time since the physical degradations had begun and it was certainly not the last time... Unfortunately.

They were in the living room with the others, all of them. Willow entered the room, saw the pleading looks Tara and Xander were giving her then listened.

"Faith! They aren't a threat... you."

"They had data that could help us, Iceberg. I shook them a little but they're still there to tell the tale."

"It's not the first time! You have plundered every place that held books in this part of California. No matter who detained the manuscripts, you stole them. This isn't how it should work..."

"I agree. This isn't how it should! But we haven't the time to listen to morality or follow your fucking code of honour. So, forget the crap. You won't convince me. I just do what I have to."

"What you have to..."

Willow closed her eyes. She knew what would follow, Naomi would remind Faith of what the real duties of a slayer were, then, Faith would ask her if she had seen any evil creature crossing Sunnydale lately... etc... etc... Willow had decided not to enter the discussion... with Tara, Xander and Anya.

In the last week, three factions had appeared in the now extended gang. Willow, Xander and their girlfriends were part of the "Harmonists", a nickname that had no link with their former High School nemesis, but was related to the fact that they tried to calm down the others when it was important to. They wanted Buffy back but knew that they didn't need fights to achieve their goal.

The second faction was what they had called "The Brunettes". Faith, Andrea and Dawn were part of it... Spike also even if he didn't fit with the nickname. Andrea and Dawn were acting exactly like Faith, positive thinking and research of data even if they needed to steal it. The "Harmonists" found nothing to complain about it but, they weren't that objective.

The last faction was the "Watchers". At first, Naomi and Wesley were helping them, only arguing with Faith when they thought she had gone too far. Willow and the others had thought sometimes that listening to them wasn't a bad idea as they were more objective than anyone else. Then, they still helped but came with something highly disturbing a few days before... and no one liked it.

Willow opened her eyes. She had noticed the word spell in Naomi's voice and she knew she was speaking about it with Faith once more. Boy, this girl didn't really know when to stop. She could see anger rose in Faith just by looking at her face.

"No... way... Iceberg."

"Faith, I know it's hard to hear but... we haven't found a single thing. The library of the Council is the biggest in the world and they have looked in every book and I frankly doubt that the ones you've just brought will help us either. You have to accept it, Faith. Buffy is gone, we can't do anything against it."

Faith clenched her teeth but replied:

"There is still time and we haven't checked everything. I won't let you give B's body to that bitch. Got it?"

"No, there is no more time. According to my calculations, the first girl would die in two days. As Catherine is in the slayer's body, it would take longer. You can't be that selfish, Faith. Let me do the spell."

"You... will... not... fix... her fucking soul in B's body."

"Faith, you're in denial..."

Naomi stopped. Faith was only two feet away now and was looking at her angrily. She knew that if she added a word right now, she would meet Faith's punch. She had no doubts that she wouldn't deliver a lethal hit but still, she didn't want to experience that.

"The body is B's, not Catherine's. And don't give me the bullshit with the waste of a living being. All you want is a slayer to control, even if it isn't the real slayer's soul. Now, listen to me, Iceberg Naomi the bitch, you want to perform the spell without my permission? Here is my answer: Over my dead body... Or yours."

"Faith... I understand your..."

"You understand nothing, Wes! I thought you were better than that."


"Shut up, Wes!"

Wesley didn't speak anymore. He knew that it would bring nothing. Then, Faith added:

"I don't want to hear anything about this shit anymore. We'll discuss it when the time will come, not before..."

Faith took her jacket that was on the sofa then moved to the front door.

"...but I don't think I would have changed my mind. Now, I have to go. Some vamps to slay."


After having heard Faith slam the door, an awkward silence reined in the living room of the Summers House. Naomi was still presenting her back to the Scoobies and didn't dare to face them. She knew hostile glares and perhaps extremely harsh remarks would welcome her. Still, she had to speak to them, to tell them what was her point.

She slowly turned her head to begin the conversation but didn't have the time to say anything as she received a liquid on her face, a soda according to the taste. She closed her eyes to clean them then look at the person who had just thrown the soda on her. She wasn't surprised to see Dawn standing in front of her, her empty glass still in her hand. Her eyes were full of anger and... disgust. Without saying a word, without even a gesture, she moved away and went downstairs, probably checking on the girls as it was her turn to watch them.

She had just the time to clean her face completely when she noticed that someone else was standing in front of her, someone with dark boots... Expecting everything from more soda to a punch on her jaw, she lifted her head up to meet Andrea's eyes that matched the anger and the disgust she had seen in Faith's and Dawn's.

"Do you realize you're a lucky bitch?" her voice was harsh and full of contained anger.

Naomi didn't answer, she just looked at Andrea, proudly.

"If it had been me instead of Faith, I would have smashed your pretty face on the wall like the crapy worm you are... you should thank jail for still having your teeth."


"Yep, jail. A place where you learn to keep your hands in your pockets when you so want to beat the hell out of a fucking trash like you. If you guys need me, I'll be upstairs."

And Andrea followed Dawn in the first floor.

Finishing her previous move, Naomi was facing the others and they didn't seem glad at all. Only Wesley seemed to support her.

"OK, before you shoot or cut my face off, let me explain my point of view... Please!"

They didn't say a word but didn't move either. So, Naomi took it like a silent agreement and spoke:

"I don't want you to lose Buffy, I don't want you to lose your friend. I'm just realistic. The chances to find a way to bring Buffy's soul back before the degradation is completed are very limited at best. I agree to wait until the last moment but I don't want to come with the idea at that time. We all have at least to think about this possibility. I know I could seem cold to you but..."

Naomi made a stop, searching for her words. They hadn't moved and were still listening. At least, they would think about it and that was a bonus.

"Look! If things continue in that way, we'll lose both Buffy and Catherine... and don't forget the other victims. I know you don't like the Victorian girls and it's quite normal, they stole your friend's body but they are victims and might deserve a second chance, don't you think? We have a spell that could fix the souls in their bodies so my thought is that if we cannot succeed in bringing the real souls back in their bodies, we should fix them. It's harsh and unfair, I know, but refusing to do it is like murder to me. We have a chance to save three lives, even if they normally don't belong here, and if we don't, we'll let them die. Could you live with such a weight on your mind? I couldn't! I hope you would understand. Faith, Andrea and Dawn are too focused on their feelings for Buffy to be objective. You too but at least you've listened to me and that's a proof that you can understand me."

An oppressive silence followed. Naomi couldn't read what the others were thinking but she knew that her point of view was logical. Then she heard Spike's reply.



"They died a century ago, Buffy is still alive. Their time on this bloody planet is over, Buffy's isn't. They were innocent back then, they aren't anymore! Even if they don't remember it, they agreed to help Lucius when they were in the wind with him. So, my opinion is: if their current bodies die, let them rot with it."

Naomi smirked before answering:

"You're in denial, Spike, like the 'brunettes'. Your feelings for Buffy are blinding you... or you would prefer to have a slayer out of your game. Who knows?"

Spike slowly approached the woman who didn't move, even if she was a bit scared. Spike could see it.

"Oh yes, I'm a vampire, a monster... and it's true. I am. But I care about Buffy and Lil' bit. It kills me to say it but it's true. I'm not in denial, Iceberg. Do you want to know why I follow Darkie's lead?"

"Oh yes, I'm curious to hear it."

"I follow her lead because she has the 'Eyes of the Dragon'."

The Outcast was exhausted. Since he had come back into the wind, he hadn't had a minute to relax. Damn slayer. No, damn slayers. If he had known...

The blond one, the one whose body hosted Catherine now, she was as insupportable as the dark hair one, the one who had probably killed the vampire he had become. It was fortunate for him that he had planned such a possibility and kept his soul in the orb. That and the fact that he didn't want to take the risk of facing another Lucius a hundred years later.

To come back to the blond slayer, Lucius hadn't expected that she would lead a rebellion against him inside the wind itself. If his two first victims hadn't helped him, he would have been expelled from his haven and probably end in Hell. Now, they were continually fighting, her trying to expel him, him trying to remain in the wind.

Buffy knew that he couldn't hurt them badly, he needed them, needed their energy, their protection to face the century to come. That gave her a huge advantage on him. But she also knew that their bodies were getting weaker and weaker, minute by minute. Should her allies die, she would be alone and hopeless. Time was running on his side. All he had to do is to hold his positions.

Buffy would probably try something. She had no other choices if she wanted to win...And Lucius wondered what would be her next plan.

"The 'Eyes of the Dragon'? What are you talking about?"

"Sounds like a series Z movie."

Spike glanced at Xander, angrily. The young man raised his hands and kept his mouth closed. It wasn't laughing time. Then, the vampire looked at the female watcher again.

"Have you seen Faith's determination? You can feel it just by looking into her eyes."

Spike waited; taking his time to verify that everyone was nodding to him.

"I've only seen that look once before. It was in a statue, in China."

"A statue! To quote Faith, I'd say that it's bullshit, Spike."

"It's no bullshit, Iceberg. The statue represented a warrior who had fought the Mongols who had kidnapped his soul mate. He was alone against a whole troop and he beat them, he found her lover."

"It's a legend, Spike, just a tale. And I still don't see your point here."

"Don't you know that legends have their part of truth? Hell, I'm a legend myself, aren't I? Anyway! I asked a farmer what the text written below the statue meant, I don't remember the guy's name but it was clearly said that he had the "Eyes of the Dragon". Do you know a single thing about Dragons, Iceberg?"

"Dragons are present in lots of mythologies, Spike. I must say that I don't know Asian myths that well."

"The dragon is one of the most important figures in China. They must be dino freaks guys, these Chinese. The farmer told me the story I'm gonna tell you now. It's not difficult to understand, even the light brain, who liked series Z movies should understand."


Ignoring Xander's reply, Spike continued:

"When the dragon loses its most precious possession, it begins to search it and nothing, no one can stop the dragon to find it back. It crushes, destroys anything, any one that stands in its way... If someone hurts someone who is loved by a dragon, it kills him in a second. Nothing, no one can calm its rage. The legend says that when someone reaches the same level of determination than its to find back his most precious possession, the dragon gives its strength to that someone and nothing, no one will stop him... or her in this case. Faith has the "Eyes of the Dragon" and she is ready to defy anyone, anything to have Buffy back. Even death itself if she has to. I strongly believe she'll succeed and that's why I follow her lead."

"I... I... this is."

"You don't know any of us, Iceberg! So, before trying to shrink us, to convince us to agree with your opinion, start to understand what we are capable of... what Faith is capable of. Now, I think we have lost enough time so move your butts and go on research mode."

And to Spike's satisfaction, they all obliged.

Faith looked at the Buffy Hazel she had in her hand. A single rose for a very important person. A single rose, as promised to her.

She had only met a neonate vampire during her patrol and that hadn't pleased her. After her "conversation" with Naomi, she had needed some action that unfortunately she hadn't had. Now, she was entering the last cemetery on her list. She quickly scanned the place. There was no sign of any neither demonic nor vampiric presence. The end of the night would be calm... that was too bad. But she was glad also. She didn't want to see a vampire spoil this moment. When she was absolutely certain that she was alone, she walked to a grave and knelt in front of it, in front of the grave of Joyce Summers.

She had come to see Buffy's mom every night since they had beaten the Outcast. She had needed it back then, had needed a person who could understand her, could guide her, even if she wasn't really there. Mrs S. had always cared about her. She was the only choice she had.

The first night, the only words that had escaped her lips were "I'm sorry". She had been unable to add something. It was the first time she had come to her grave and felt guilty in front of the resting-place of such a great woman. Since Buffy and her had become a couple, the dark slayer had thought to come here more than once but had never found the courage to face her until that night.

The following night, she had felt neither ashamed, nor guilty, as if Joyce's presence had had a calming effect on her. That night and the nights after, she had babbled about Buffy and how much she loved her, about the search of a way to bring her back. It was a kind of briefing Faith absolutely wanted to give to Joyce. It was also here that her determination had reached such a level.

Indeed, in Faith's mind, there were no doubts. She'd find Buffy back. The hesitations, fears that had handicapped her the first days were gone, or rather kept in the depth of her head. She didn't want to think about it, didn't think about it. Her determination and faith in herself had grown here, thanks to Mrs S.

Faith showed the rose in the light of the moon and began to speak.

"Hey Mrs S. See, I've brought one of the roses I talked about. The ones someone made for B, at my request. I know, it's been two days since I told you about them, but they don't come from this state so, well, it takes time. They're magnificent, aren't they? The colour of B's eyes. Each time I look at these flowers, it's as if I can feel her. I know she's waiting for me and I'll find her."

She laid the rose on the grave and continued.

"Tonight has been a tough one. I found three other books that could help us. You know, the ancient type of books, all dirty, dusty and that smells like a rat. The guys are deciphering it and I hope they'll find something. I had a fight with Iceberg too... sorry, Naomi... yeah, I know, you don't like when I call her Iceberg but, hell, I don't like the girl. She is like a snake, you know, beautiful in the outside but cold in the inside. She came back with her morals and all the fucking shit... Don't be selfish, Faith... Buffy won't come back, you have to accept it, Faith... and all the crap. She really got on my nerves... BUT... you'll be proud of me... I didn't knock her out... I really wanted to but, I stayed the mistress of my nerves... B will be proud too..."

Faith stopped; she had heard something... someone was coming. Who was it? A friend, an enemy?

"Who the fuck is there?"


Andrea was sitting in the room where the three girls were laying, looking at Dawn whose head was on her lap. The relaxed breathing she could easily see in the moves of the young girl's chest, confirmed that she was asleep. The younger Summers had been hard to calm down after the "Naomi affair". Just by thinking about the correctly nicknamed Iceberg, Andrea felt her own anger rise. How could the watcher propose them to give up any chance to save Buffy?

Andrea's hands were in fist position now. She didn't know how she had been able to keep her hands down, how she had prevented herself to break every bone of the British bitch but she had... and part of her was very proud of it. A month before she would have cut the girl's ears in order to make her look like Mr Spock the second the proposal would have left her mouth.

Thinking of it, she wondered why she had remained that calm back then. The answer wasn't difficult to find but she had never thought that Laura's teachings would be that useful. Now that she thought about it, she noticed that since the Egyptian girl had come in her life, only a month before, she had changed. At first, she had thought that keeping the woman with her would be fun, they were both a little broken emotionally, they needed something or someone to erase the bad things in their minds. Besides, Laura needed to learn how life could be fun to live.

Laura had taught her how to calm down. Her meditation exercises she forced herself to practice every day were keeping her focused, preventing her to lose herself in anger, keeping her internal rage under control. In fact, thinking about it made her realise that they completed each other. Laura was the good girl, raised in a cocoon with a strict education that gave her a self balance that Andrea envied sometimes. On the other had, she was the wild child, the street girl who knew how to have short time fun but had a lack of education and... Well, no real self balance.

She could teach Laura how to enjoy life while she could learn from the other girl how not to let her feelings guide her but, on the contrary, control them. Yes, they completed each other, she was the friend she needed. Friend? It was the first time she really thought about Laura in that way but, yes, it was true, she was her friend. She had taken an important place in her life, even more important that Eona's. The native American was nice and all but, Andrea had never considered her as a friend like she was with Laura right now. She cared about her, was worried about her. How had her appointment gone? Did the demon she was going to speak to have any useful information. She swore that if the demon hurt her...

Dawn mumbled in her sleep, taking Andrea out of her reverie. The brunette slayer smiled a little, seeing the younger girl sleeping, she was so damn cute. She gently took her head in her hands, moved a little before taking Dawn in her arms and going towards her bedroom. The three women wouldn't move before a long time, Dawn didn't need to guard them any longer.

When she reached Dawn's bedroom, she carefully put her in her bed, paying attention to not waking her. She liked Dawn, loved her like a sister, loved her as much as Faith and Buffy. Faith and Buffy, she was beginning to accept their love, the fact that they were girlfriends. It still hurt but she was accepting it. In fact, the love she had for Buffy was transforming itself in a sisterhood love, yes, she thought more and more about doing sisterly things with Buffy, Dawn and Faith. Before her return to Sunnydale, the thoughts she had about Buffy were related to vengeance or sex... people evolved, feelings also. Still, she didn't know how she would react when the two of them would be together again, when they would act like girlfriends with smoochies and groping and... Yep, it still hurt but less than before.

She looked at her watch. It was patrolling time. Normally, she would have had to patrol this night but Faith had been quicker and she didn't blame her after what Naomi told her, she had needed fresh air and slayer action to calm down... No, she would blame her so, she would patrol the next two nights instead of reading books. Like Faith, she didn't like it at all. She felt so useless with a book in her hands. Still, they had to find a way to bring Buffy back and, presently, nothing would please her more.

With a last look at Dawn, Andrea left the room and began moving downstairs, to the living room. Then, her mobile rang, showing Laura's number. Could she have some news?

"I repeat, who the fuck is there and you'd better answer. I'm not in the mood."

"Faith! It's just me."

Faith recognized the voice instantly and relaxed while Willow was approaching her. The red head had her eyes on Joyce's grave and signed herself in front of it. Faith looked also to the grave and they spent the next minute contemplating it. Faith broke the silence and asked.

"So, Dawn told you."

"This morning! She said that you come to her mum's grave every night to brief her. So, I thought that I might take my chance and see you here."

"Well, here am I. Wanna sit?"

Willow nodded and sat next to Faith. They were still facing the grave as if they would like Joyce to attend the talk.

"So, what do you want to talk about? Not Naomi I hope."

"No, don't worry. We aren't even thinking about her proposal... she has some point though but... anyway... Faith, I need your help."

The dark slayer could hear Willow's voice breaking while she was saying the last words. She put her hand on the witch's shoulder and replied: "What for, Will?"

"I... I'm lost. I... I know I'm gonna hurt you but, sometimes I wondered if we'd find her... I... I don't want to lose her again, Faith. She is my best friend, the one I can talk to but..."

"We'll find her!"

"I know you're sure of it, Faith. So are Andrea, Dawn and even Spike but, I'm not as strong willed as you are... Sometimes I doubt and it's killing me inside because I feel like I'm betraying Buffy... I need you to give me some of your strength, Faith. I need you to give me some of your determination... I need you to give me hope that doesn't disappear twice a week."

Faith saw Willow bow her head, ashamed, tears were falling from her cheeks now.

"Will, look at me."

The dark slayer waited until the witch obeyed before continuing.

"I won't bullshit you, I haven't had a prophetic dream, I haven't consult a seer or talked to Queen C, I haven't a damn thing to prove you that she'll be back. All I can say to you is that I know we'll make it, I know we'll find her and get her back. It's more that an intuition, it's in my guts, my blood, call it slayer bond or whatever you want, I just know it. Sometimes, I even feel her, as she was looking at me, guiding me. I don't need anything else to convince me, Will, I just know... so, I can't give you the strength you want if you don't believe in it. And you're wrong, you're strong... You are the one who brought her back from death."

"It was different, Faith. I had plenty of spells or rituals that could help me at that time. All I had to do is to choose the good one...so, it was easy to keep faith in it. Now, we have nothing, really. Lots of books but nothing in them, not a single clue and that's what I find difficult to bear... to have nothing to..."

Faith interrupted Willow.

"We have a goal, Will. Finding Buffy. If we keep this goal in mind, we'll find a little something that would lead us to a bigger something that would lead us to B. We won't succeed in bringing her back if you give up, Will. I need you to trust me, to believe in me, in her. I know it's a huge request but..."

"I trust you, Faith. You know that."

The smile Willow had at that time proved that she meant it and it meant a lot to Faith too.

"Then, what are you complaining for?" said the dark slayer with a wink that made Willow smirk before replying:

"You know, for a non talkative girl, you're very good at comforting people."

"Don't tell anyone else, it's bad for the tough girl image."

Willow smiled a little. She felt better. Faith had comforted her. It was amazing how she could improve someone determination just by being the example to follow. Willow wondered how she could seem so full of energy too. Since Buffy's disappearance, the dark slayer had barely eaten, had almost never slept too. She had marks in her face that highlighted this fact but she didn't seem tired at all, on the contrary, every new day, energy seemed to shine out of her body and Willow knew it was because of her determination... The "Eyes of the Dragon" as Spike called it. Willow took a deep breath before saying something that brought her a new perspective further to what Faith had just told her.

"I... I might have a little something then. It has nothing to do with bringing Buffy back but... Tara and I have found a way to slow the physical degradation down."

"Really? That's wicked! How long?"

"We could add a whole week to Naomi's calculations. It's a freezing spell that would place the girls into some kind of lethargy, slowing down the atomic functions of their bodies."

"See, that's a little something!"

"Yeah, but it doesn't help us with the 'Bringing Buffy Back' thing."

"Not sure!"

Both women jumped when they heard Andrea's voice. Faith's sister smirked witnessing it but regained her seriousness quickly to add.

"I might have a little something too..."

There was no night, no day into the wind. Just the white, everywhere. Rest was something to have when you were feeling the need and in the current situation, it was something really delicate. Who knew what the Outcast could try if he surprised them asleep?

Asleep? Was it the correct designation? They weren't closing their eyes, were standing up when they rested, in fact, they weren't really moving in this place. Everything was ruled by winds you have to learn to control to really go from one place to another.

Buffy could hear her companion taking their rest. She knew also that the Outcast forces were doing the same. The last battle had been exhausting and she knew that their opponents would launch an attack as soon as they would feel better. It was their game, to harass them, prevent them to have some strength back. They knew that it was a question of time before their bodies would die.

Thinking about her body automatically reminded her Faith, her lover. She missed the contacts they usually exchanged, missed the feeling of her presence near her body. It had been days since she had last felt it but she understood it. Her girlfriend was probably too busy looking for a way to bring her back. Her conviction that Faith would find her was still intact. It was as if her mind knew something that her brain couldn't spot, just feel. It was unexplainable but still, Buffy loved the feeling, loved the conviction it gave her.

She quickly regained her composure. Even if she so loved thinking about her Faith, it wasn't neither the time, nor the place. They were in the middle of a war and she intended to gain it before Faith's arrival... And she might have an idea about how to defeat Lucius... Once and for all.

Willow was following the "twins" through the alleys of the cemetery. She could notice that Faith was impatient. When Andrea had told her that she had a "little something", hope had been back in her. Could Faith be right? Could the little news she had given to Faith effectively lead them to a way to find Buffy? Then, when they had asked what was this little something, Andrea had just said that they first had to meet someone. Of course, Faith had tried to convince her to speak first but she didn't succeed in it.

"I suppose, we'll meet the mysterious L."

"Yes, Sis, we are."

Andrea stopped then, she seemed lost in her thoughts. She turned her head towards Faith and said:

"Faith! I..."

Faith noticed that her sister had used her full name, proof that she was dead serious.

"...please, don't freak out when you'll see her."

"So, it's a she? I don't why I would freak out but... I promise."

Andrea seemed a bit relieved when she replied: "Thanks! We're almost there."

They moved again and were walking to the back of the cemetery, a place where there was normally no grave. It was a place full of vegetation, where it was difficult to walk. They soon arrived at a clearing and stopped suddenly.

A woman was kneeing in front of two graves. They couldn't see her face as she was presenting her back to them. She seemed in deep concentration, probably praying in memory of the deceased. The three women stayed silent a moment, they didn't dare to move to interrupt the prayers the girl was reciting. Then, the girl stood up and faced them.

Willow couldn't prevent herself to gasp. The woman in front of them was the exact copy of Narahi'ti, Nefer-tem's wife. The only exception was a lock of golden hair that contrasted with her normally dark ones. It could only meant that they were meeting Laura, Narahi'ti's daughter. The red witch had never met her, only heard of her trough Buffy and Faith's tales of what had happened in the museum that day.

Willow wasn't the only one to be taken aback. Faith herself wasn't expecting that. She looked to her right where Andrea had been but her sister had already moved to place herself between Faith and the girl, as if she was ready to protect her from Faith who seemed a bit upset.

"What is she doing here, Andrea?"

"I told you, she's my friend."

"Andrea, she is the daughter of old enemies. She can..."

"She faced her father to save the world, Faith. If she hadn't been there, we'll be transformed in fucking ants now. Our damn day would consist in three activities, sleeping, eating and working and sometimes, a little fuck, but just to reproduce the specie. Don't you think she has earned a little chance?"

Andrea was surprised by the harshness of her tone and Faith seemed to share her surprise. Still, Faith finally bowed her head, smiled at her sister and said:

"You're right, sis. She earned it. Sorry!"

Andrea smiled back then looked at Willow to reassure her.

"L? Your speech."

"Hi and OK."

The Egyptian girl seemed a bit confused and shy which helped the others to relax. Faith knew that they owed her big deal and regretted her previous reaction. After all, Laura had nothing to gain in facing her own father that day. She then remembered that she had undergone a ritual that had transformed her from a 8 years old child to the young woman who was facing them now. She had probably had difficulties to deal with her new life.

"You... you won't find anything useful in books. There is none on this subject. My father had a huge library. You can easily realise the amount of books he had gathered during the millenniums. I've met the librarian today. He liked me when I was a kid and now, that I haven't access to the library anymore, I asked his help. When I was finished, he said that this knowledge has been lost a long time ago and couldn't be find in books."

"Great! Books are useless! And that's your fucking news?"

"No, if you let me finish without cutting me, you'll see that there is more, rude girl."

Woah. The girl could bite. Faith could easily notice who had taught her to give nicknames to people when they're upsetting the lecturer... Only, with Andrea, she would have received something less gentle than "rude girl".

"What we have to do, is find someone to help us. Someone who has this knowledge."

"But, you've just said that it had been lost ages ago."

"Yes, Willow, on Earth, it has been lost but some beings don't live here anymore."


Willow and Faith remained speechless for a few seconds. Not on Earth? What could it mean? The witch was the first to speak.

"Are you suggesting that we have to go to another dimension or something?"

Laura smiled before answering, it was the typical reaction she was expecting from a girl like Willow.

"Or something, yes. Do you know who the Pythie was?"

Willow smiled too. Laura was playing in the same register than hers and she liked it, to reply to questions she had the answers of. It changed from the last weeks. So, she answered Laura while Faith was listening to them, a little bit frustrated. Nonetheless, she knew that it was important for their goal, to find her B.

"She was an oracle who lived in Delphi, in Greece before the Roman invasion."

"Exactly! She was and still is the most powerful living oracle. If someone knows a way to find and help Buffy, it's her."

"OK, OK. I follow you, "L"... do you mind if I call you L too, I haven't found another name for you yet so, I'm borrowing my sister's."

"NO, shoot F."

Faith grinned a little. She began to understand why this girl had become a friend of Andrea so quickly. She was cute, intelligent, funny and had temper... she wondered briefly where the relationship between the two girls would go but quickly went back to the subject.

"Well, now, I know who you would like to ask questions to but, I still don't get where she is now and how we're gonna find your PT?"

"When Romans conquered Greece, she stayed a while but soon realised that her time on Earth was finished. At that moment, the Pythie decided to leave Delphi and disappeared from the world of the living. But she didn't want to let the helpless without a guide. So, she vanished in a pocket realm where she listens to the few who still know her and answers the requests of those she judges worthy."

"What the fuck is a pocket realm?"

"Here is the best description I can give you. It's a kind of secret place that exists between dimensions."

"And how do we go there?"

"Concentration, prayer and meditation, nothing else is needed. We cannot go to see the Pythie. She is the one that allows people in her realm. She is the one who brings them there. It is as if your mind wander to her realm while you body is still on Earth."

"Remind me of something and it isn't something good. But we haven't the choice. So, all I have to do is sit, pray and hope she'll grant me a fucking interview, am I wrong?"

"No, you got it."

Faith thought about it a little. Concentration wasn't something she was used to but she would do and would succeed if anything for her B.

"Ok, let's go then."

And in front of three astonished girls, Faith sat, crossed her legs and closed her eyes.

"Faith, not here. Let's go back home to..."

Without even opening her eyes, Faith replied: "No, Will. No time to lose. You, go home and do your freezing spell or whatever you called it. And explain all of this to the others."

"But, sis. You're in the middle of a cemetery. We don't know how long it would take for you to see the Pythie... Vamps won't waste an opportunity to taste a slayer."

"Then, bodyguard me! Now, go way or stay here but shut the fuck up. I need silence."

Laura approached Faith and said: "Just a word, Faith. You can only meet the Pythie once in a lifetime and ask her one question. So, don't waste it."

"I won't, trust me. Now, get the hell out of here!"

Andrea, Willow and Laura exchanged a look then, without any other word, Willow turned around and walked away. Seeing it, Andrea looked to Laura again. The Egyptian girl just nodded, understanding the silent request of her friend and ran to join Willow.

"Willow, wait, I'm coming with you!"

Andrea saw the two girls disappeared in the woods, looked back at her sister who seemed so calm now and said before sitting.

"I hope you know what you're doing, sis... And I won't let anyone hurt you while you'd be gone."

Buffy let her senses wander the place as she always did before a battle. It was amazing how quickly she had got used to her new environment. Of course, living in a world where the white colour was so bright that you couldn't see anything helped a lot when you have to focus on your other senses. But it wasn't only that. She could also feel the emotions of the others, and that was a big plus. No secrets, no hidden grief or thought. Everything was open to the others and that strengthen the trust you could have on your companions.

She was also capable of sensing the winds and that was important too because it was the only way to move. She could even create a wind and use it as a weapon against the Outcast and his allies. Thinking about the Outcast helped Buffy to refocus on the present situation.

Elisabeth and Alyson were at her side, the latter, on her left, the former on her right. They were both ready and determinate and Buffy knew that their help would be precious. They had faith (Buffy smirked, she used that word a lot lately... God she missed her lover) in Buffy's plan. Today, they would vanquish Lucius and sent him into hell where he would finally pay for his crimes.

Lucius! She could feel him too. He was in the other side of the battlefield. She could sense him in all his arrogance. He was so self-confident, so proud of what he had become... just by sensing him, Buffy felt tainted, dirty but soon, he would lose his confidence, soon, he would beg for his soul and Buffy would be too glad to refute it to him. Yes, today would see Lucius defeated and rightfully condemned.

"Get ready, girls... the party is about to begin."

Willow and Laura were running towards the Summers House now. It was approximately 5 A.M. but they weren't tired at all. For the first time since a long while, Willow felt good. Hope was back in her. They had a clue, they had a contact that could help them, they would find Buffy, she hadn't any doubt anymore.

Laura could see a smile on Willow's face. The little witch had seemed so lost when the girl had seen her a quarter before but now, she had another woman by her side and it felt good, so good to be the one who had helped bringing hope in her and she knew that she would see it in other eyes when they would enter the house. Suddenly, she heard a noise on her left and looked in that direction. Four vamps were moving out of a van where Laura knew, something horrible had happened. They quickly spotted the two women and walked into their direction with cruel smiles on their faces. The Egyptian girl looked at Willow who had noticed them too, she saw her close her eyes and beginning chanting a spell. Laura was aware that the witch had given up magic because she had a kind of addiction to hit. She couldn't let her embrace the dark arts now, she had to stop her from doing it.

"Willow, don't!"

"We have no slayer here. I have to."

"No, you don't! I can handle it alone. You don't need to do magic."

Willow was surprised by what Laura had just told her. How could she be able to stop them alone. Was she crazy or had she some hidden power. After all, she was Narahi'ti's daughter... could she have inherited... She hadn't the time to think about it further. The girl had already moved to meet the vampires, a move that surprised them too. Hesitant, they slowly approached Laura.

"Well, well, well. What are you doing out so late, my dear pussycat?"

"Look into my eyes, boys... see how dark they are?"

The vampires looked at Laura's eyes. They didn't know what to think about her. Was she a crazy lunatic? The vampire that had already talked to Laura, probably the leader of the pack replied:

"I see them... and soon, I'll see life go away from them."

"You sure? See how gilded they have become? Now, you're trapped, you can't escape their luminescence, you can't look away and you are beginning to feel their heat in your bodies as they are becoming brighter and brighter... like two little suns... you're burning inside, consuming yourselves till you become ashes, dust... and now, I can say GAME OVER..."

Willow's jaw was open. Laura could use the Sight of Râ too. She had witnessed the whole scene, had seen the vampires combust and transformed into ashes. Her eyes were glued on Laura who slowly turned her head towards her, a huge smile on her lips.

"I've always wanted to say it... I've won. Yeepeee."

The girl literally jumped because of her joy, like a little girl who had just won a gift while visiting a circus or something. It was at that moment that the little 8 years old girl, she had been not so long ago, showed herself in this woman body... part of Laura's mind was still young and fresh... Yes, fresh... refreshing, that's exactly the image Willow had on her now... a refreshing girl with power and knowledge. A valuable ally in their war against evil.

Faith, eyes closed, continued her prayer to the Pythie, asking for her help, asking for her guidance, explaining to her the love she had for Buffy, how important she was for her. Explaining the unfairness of what she was experiencing and letting her know what she wanted her life with Buffy be.

She had begun almost two hours before and now, she was feeling the first rays of the sun on her face. Even if she had her eyes closed, the light was so intense that she was annoyed by it, loosing her concentration. She couldn't prevent herself from opening her eyes. By doing it, Faith expected to see the graves of Laura's parents. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to sit there... maybe...

Faith stopped, taken aback. She wasn't in the cemetery anymore. She had made it. She was in a place that looked like Heaven to her. A long beach was on her left, a beach with palm trees, a coral blue sea and golden sand. There was a little river that arrived there. At the place where the river and the sea met, there was a temple. The temple was cut in half because of the river. In the middle of the temple, she could see a bridge that was also the only entry of the place. Shrugging, she climbed into it and entered the temple.

The bridge was transparent and Faith could see the water right below her. Sometimes, she could see dolphins jumping and almost touching the bridge. This scene seemed to improve the heavenly feeling the dark slayer was experiencing. The left side of the temple hadn't any visible entry at Faith's floor but seemed to be reachable in higher altitude. Faith deduced that it was probably the private part of the temple, where the Pythie lived. She walked to her right to the only entry visible and entered a path surrounded by sculptures of dolphins that, she remembered, were the symbols of the Pythie. She finally entered a huge room that was typically ancient Greek.

In the middle of the place, she saw a woman, wearing a long white robe. She was kneeing in front of hole wherein Faith could hear water dropping, water that was probably coming from the river. The woman raised her head and saluted Faith.

"Welcome to my realm, slayer. I heard your prayers. Ask your question and I'll transmit it to the stars."

"Don't like to waste time huh? I like it. The question is simple. How could I bring my B back?"

The woman looked into Faith's eye and answered in a comforting voice.

"To answer your question is simple too but you won't like it."

Faith answered, anger and uncertainty were noticeable in her voice.

"What the fuck are you trying to say. Don't tell me it's not possible. I don't buy it. There must be a way."

"Some events are meant to happen, Faith. You can't change them."

"Liar! I know there is a way."

Faith moved towards the Pythie but soon met an invisible wall, probably identical to the one Buffy had hit while fighting Nefer-tem.

"You have your answer, slayer. Now, go back to your world and let me in peace. I wish you a long life, Faith."

"Oh no, Ariel! You won't get rid of me that easily. I won't move till you tell me how to save B," and saying it, Faith crossed her arms and leaned against a pillar.

"You're challenging my authority in my own realm? How dare you?"

"You can threaten me as long as you want, Ariel, I won't move my butt from here."

"You're a fool, Faith. I brought you here. I can easily thrown you out."

"Then what are you waiting for. Wanna kick my ass? Do it."

"Violence won't be necessary. All I have to do is wave my hand and..."

To Faith's satisfaction, the Pythie's face betrayed her surprise. How could the slayer still be here while her gesture should have sent her back to her body? It was impossible, no one had ever done it before... the only possible explanation was that Faith's will was stronger than her own magic which was impossible... still... The dark slayer was still there and, as the Pythie wasn't a warrior, she couldn't see how to expel her from her realm.

To be continued in PARTS 5-8