RESULTS Caption Contest July/August 2004

The results are classified according to the order of preference.
The winner is Broody.
Thanks for participating.


Buffy : "Have you seen my new toothpaste? It's Colgate!"
("T'as vu mon nouveau dentifrice ? C'est Email Diamant !")
Faith (thoughts) : And why don't you tell him about your new "L'Oreal" shampoo?
(Et pourquoi tu lui parles pas de ton nouveau shampooing "Herbal Essences" ?)


Buffy : "Have you seen my teeth?"
("Vous avez vu mes dents ?")
Faith : "Don't tell me you use Colgate?"
("Me dis pas que tu prends de l'Email diamant ?")
Buffy : "How did you guess?"
("Comment t'as deviné ?")


Buffy : "Have you seen, Scott, my teeth are really white, I brush them three times a day!"
("T'as vu Scott, j'ai les dents bien blanches, je me brosse les dents trois fois par jour !")
Faith (thoughts) : There's nothing I can do, even trying hard, I'll never manage to have a smile as stupid as hers...
(Y'a rien à faire, même en essayant très fort, je n'arriverai jamais à avoir un sourire aussi niais que le sien...)


Buffy : "I bought a new toothpaste "Immaculate Whiteness". Its price was 130 €. Look at the result!"
("J'ai acheté un nouveau dentifrice "Blancheur immaculée" à 130 €. Regardez le résultat !")
Faith (thoughts) : Poor naive girl... 130 €...
(La pauvre naïve... 130 €...)
Scott : "Oh yeah... It's funny!"
("Ah ouais... C'est rigolo !")


Faith (whispering): "B your fly is opened..."
("B ta braguette est ouverte...")
Buffy (whispering): "I know, smile and do as if you didn't see it..."
("Je sais, souris et fais comme si de rien n'était...")
Faith (thoughts): No apocalypse won't make me miss that... It's gonna be funny...
(Aucune apocalypse ne me ferait manquer ça... On va se marrer...)
Buffy : "Oh Scott, you're OK?... Your new haircut is great... Er... You put gel on it? What's the brand? Er, well, I gotta go, Willow is waiting for me... well..."
("Oh Scott, ça va ?... Super cool ta nouvelle coupe... Euh... T'as mis du gel ? C'est quoi la marque ? Euh, bon, ben, faut que j'y aille, Willow m'attend... voilà quoi...")
Buffy slipping away (thoughts): No one saw me, I'm too good...
(Ni vue ni connue, chuis trop forte...)
Buffy : "Give me the adress of your hairdresser some time..."
("Donne-moi l'adresse de ton coiffeur à l'occasion...")
Faith (thoughts): It wouldn't be useless...
(Ce serait pas du luxe...)
Scott : "Er... you think I should have told her her fly was opened?"
("Euh ça craint, mais tu crois que j'aurais dû lui dire que sa braguette était ouverte ?")


Buffy : "...and even Faith bought me a cotton candy!"
("...Et même que Faith m'a offert une barbe à papa !")
Faith (thoughts) : Sometimes I wonder how old she is...
(Parfois je me demande quel âge elle a...)


Buffy (thoughts) : That new teeth whitener must really be working! Look, it's even got Faith's attention. Must smile wider!
Faith (thoughts) : I wonder if Buffy knows that you can totally see through her shirt? I mean, just look at where Mr. Nerd's lookin'! He'd have to be the stupidest guy alive not to be lookin'.
Scott (thoughts) : Wow! Buffy's teeth are really white. And she's got a great smile!


Faith (thoughts) : I hope B noticed her smile is even more ridiculous than her clothes.
(J'espère que B remarque que son sourire est encore plus ridicule que ses fringues.)
Buffy (thoughts) : I hope Faith noticed my efforts to resist this guy.
(J'espère que Faith remarque mes efforts pour pas craquer sur ce mec.)
Scott (thoughts) : Which one of these girls do I choose?
(Laquelle choisir ?)


Buffy (aroused by Scott): "Is it true you find Faith funny? It's me who taught her everything."
("C'est vrai que tu trouves que Faith est drôle ? C'est marrant parce que c'est moi qui lui ai tout appris.")
Faith (thoughts) : I hope she doesn't have a piece of salad whedged in her teeth... oh no but she's dribbling!!!
(J'espère qu'elle a pas un morceau de salade coincé dans les dents... oh non mais elle est en train de baver !!!)


Faith (thoughts) : Something has changed... But what?
(Y'a un truc qui a changé... Mais quoi ?)
Buffy : "You want to have a gleaming smile?... Buy Colgate!"
("Pour un sourire étincelant... achetez Email diamant !")
Faith (thoughts) : No, frankly, I don't see...
(Non, franchement je vois pas...)


Buffy : "Scott, is that hair gel on your ear?"


Buffy: "Yes, hello, this is MY girlfriend."
Buffy (thoughts) : He so totally wants us both!


Buffy (thoughts): I think Scott is checking me out?
Faith (thoughts): He is totally checking out B...
Buffy (thoughts): This fake smile is so hurting my cheeks!
Scott (thoughts): I wonder if she uses colgate toothpaste?
Faith (thoughts): She used Scope it smells minty fresh.
Buffy (thoughts): Please don't kiss me you didn't brush!
Scott (thoughts): Buffy should use tissue, she's a bit flat.
Faith (thoughts): Ok, you better know you're mine, B !!


Buffy (thoughts) : Fuck, I have to make a fake smile to this moron... And Faith who's still staring at me... She's not fed up with it?
(Putain je suis obligée de faire un sourire faux-cul à ce débile... Et Faith qui me regarde toujours elle en a pas marre !?)
Faith (thoughts) : If she knew what I'm thinking about...
(Si elle savait à quoi je pense...)


Buffy: Hi Scott...
Faith (thoughts): B is totally checking him! Far out!!
Buffy (thoughts): I think Faith likes him... she's giving me that "Look".
Scott: "So you going home now."
Faith (thoughts): B is totally his eye candy...
Buffy: "So see ya later?"
Scott: "Sure."
Buffy (thoughts): I so want him... he is so handsome, cute and did I mention deliciously yummy.
Faith (thoughts): I was so right. I wonder when i should tell her she's crazy. She should have heard me... oh, yeah I wasn't talking...


Faith (thoughts) : That top is awful, worse than her other clothes that she wears.
Buffy (thoughts) : This top is awful, hope no one notices but everything was in the wash.


Faith (thoughts) : B, you're a slut!
(B, t'es une cochonne !)
Buffy (thoughts) : Give him your greatest smile!
(Fais-lui ton plus beau sourire ma vieille !)


Buffy (niaise) : "Hi Scott, er... Faith kept me the place near the fountain while I was talking to my friends."
("Salut Scott, euh bah Faith me gardait la place à la fontaine à eau pendant que je parlais avec mes amis.")
Scott (thoughts) : She's so blonde sometimes.
(Ce qu'elle peut être blonde des fois.)
Buffy : "So now she leaves, and I'm gonna drink, see you!"
("Alors maintenant elle s'en va, et je vais aller boire. Salut !")
Faith (thoughts) : She's so blonde sometimes.
(Ce qu'elle peut être blonde des fois.)


Faith (thoughts) : Hey I'm here too! Stop smiling stupidly B! We must have gone in the broom cupboard!
(Hé j'suis là moi aussi !! Arrête de lui faire ton sourire stupide B ! On devait aller dans le placard à balais nous !)
Faith : "I'm not bored but B, could we go now?"
("C'est pas que ça m'ennuie mais B on y va ?")


Buffy: "Well I'm free tonight, I've nothing planned, no party with friends or... and I'm a bachelor..."
("Ah ben oui je suis libre ce soir, je n'ai rien de prévu, aucune sortie avec des amies ou quoi... et puis je suis célibataire...")
Faith (thoughts): What is she seeking to do here? Don't show her any sign of weakness... Jealousy? I don't even know what it means...
(Elle cherche à faire quoi là ? Ne pas lui montrer de signe de faiblesse... La jalousie ? C'est quoi ça ?)